Thursday, 4 November 2010

Quick Idea

Hannah had a great idea of an over the shoulder shot with a single light on the pad of paper where she is
drawing Zoe the puppet doll. The drawing should be quite edgy and raw, unshaped - almost undecided.
I also had  an intriguing idea where at the end we rewind the film back and then it ends with footage of zooming into my eye and i wake up with Zoe next me. I scream and the credits begin rolling.
Zoe likes the idea of the footage being sped up up until the shot of a closeup where it then slows down. This is exploited frequently in the horror genre to convey mixed emotions and it also creates suspense.
Someone staring into the mirror
I also thought of the idea of a mirror where I'm staring into it but Zoe's face looks back and the mirror smashes. If we decide to incorporate this idea there should be a closeup of this one shard of glass where Zoe's face stares back.

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