Thursday, 11 November 2010

Camera movement

Track- when the camera follows the  scene.
Use of a tracking shot
Tilt- the counter-point to the pan whilst attached to the tripod.
Tilt shot- This is an intriguing shot which I would love to replicate in our own film but im not sure how to do this , so I will research into this.

you tilt it up and down which carries it out at an angle.
Pan- this is the cameras turning horizontally on a vertical axis.
I like the effect of this pan shot which has made some details go blurry. Perhaps we can use a pan but in a different way: going round either me/Zoe/Hannah
Zoom- this is magnification to show dialogue or the characters
emotions. This is a curvative motion which is frequently used when
trying to keep a moving subject in frame.
Crane- this is the movement of a camera literally atop a crane.
Dolly- this is similuar to zoom and is used when you move the camera
backwards and forwards (which is named a dolly in and dolly out).
Steadicam-  A stabilizing mount for a motion picture camera which
mechanically isolates the operators movement from the camera.
Zoom/ reverse zoom- when the focus reverses it makes the object or
scene seem further away.
Handheld- a shot which uses a hanheld camera to convey a sense of immediacy
or to suggest realism.

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