I have decided to provide an accurate reflection of our final finished piece in scripted form , as the other script has not been followed very much.This is due to changes in ideas as well as the inability to carry out some of the things I had listed as a result of time issues and lack of knowledge.
[ Working Title sequence begins lasting roughly 9.5 seconds. At this point there is no use of sound either diegetic or non-diegetic. Camera then transcends into the frame which entails the lexis 'It's Coming...' in the centre of the shot. The stylistic conventions of the text is simplistic to enable focus on the lexis rather than the stylism.The text formatting uses white narrow bold font which subverts horror film title discourse as colour usage is often red with gory detail. The use of elision lends a sense of ambiguity to the film as the audience is left wondering and indeed making their own perceptions as to what will occur, inducing engagement of the audiences attention.]
Scene 1
[ At 16 seconds an over the shoulder shot of Hannah where she is sketching a premonition with charcoal grey pencil on a wooden canvas.Within this premonition is the words 'It's coming' against a cloudy tempestuous background with Zoe in the foreground wrapped in a cloak which suggests to the audience that Hannah ( The creator) is controlling this society and the people within it- perhaps Zoe is one of her subjects but yet ultimately under her spell too.To show the dominance yet mysteriousness of her character we have dressed her to camouflage into the background. This is through the costume of a black waistcoat over a black and white checkered shirt which ties in with her artistic nature as these clothes do look very art professionalised.The lighting here is extremely significant where entailment of a dimming switch has been used to add to Hannah's mysterious nature though the little light we have used which highlights the significance of the canvas( which has been positioned in a manner that Hannah is off centre to show her unpredictable nature and the canvas being roughly centered to shows Hannah's dominance lies through her art). In the bottom left hand corner presents the lexis ' Starring...' with a differential style than the previous lexis choice. Here the colour has been kept the same but with narrow italic script which again has been used for the purpose of the artistic feel.]
[ At 19 seconds the frame changes into a closeup of the canvas before zooming into an extreme closeup which almost disappears into the text , trying to indicate again that she has all the power which makes the audience afraid of what she may do ( though at this point we don't fear for a particular persons safety as no one else has been introduced at this point. There is also the same italic script ( which is now used most of the way throughout) which entails the lexis' Hannah evans' next to the canvas extreme closeup, which the audience will be able to infer that the person in the previous frame is her. This shot lasts 3 seconds before moving onto the next frame.]
Scene 2
[ At 22 seconds is the introduction of the bedroom scene( using rule of thirds) where I am having restless nightmares, clearly expressed by the look of unease that is acquired in my facial expressions and jerky movements initiated by my body as I toss and turn. On the bottom left corner is my name ' Ana De-Jesus in order for the audience to identify a name with the character ( note alternation of positioning names has been used which follows traditionally used movie discourse of title positioning).Contrast is kept the same throughout to maintain a level of continuity though later outdoor scenes appear lighter but have been the same level of contrast and brightness.Within this is two quick shots of me in bed where a jump cut has been used to implement a faster pace to the narrative-especially since no dialogue or sound is apparent at this point]
[ 23.5 seconds initiates a fade out then fade in sequence into the dream scene where introduction of non-diegetic sound begins ' The Haunted Music Box' which has a slow paced beat to it but is extremely high pitched and quite eerie in the way that it is presented. Despite having a slow pace it does have a steady rhythm which captures the appropriate atmospheric conditions. This music is continued throughout at the same audio level and pitch]
Scene 3
[ At 24 seconds the fade in goes into a frame of me on a log surrounded by greenery to show my love of nature, my long dark hair obscuring my face littered with white flowers to represent purity and innocence. The pyjama's signify comfort and security and also to show that I am in a dream- clearly expressed through the black and white colour effect which is enabled. This might perhaps be an indication that my character dreams in black and white. At the bottom is the lexical language' Filmed by Charley Johnson' which although is using alternation appears to be centred, making it one of the audiences focal point of view]
The Blair Witch Project use of black and white like ours |
[28.5 seconds there is a 0.5 second shot of Zoe in her caped costume looking up as though something has captured her attention. The audience may be confused as to what is going on which is exactly the effect that we are trying to evoke.At the point of 29 seconds Zoe is on a hillside landscape hunched down with her head facing the floor, appearing as though she is about to take off , surrounding environmental features being leaf shrubbery behind her as well as a barbed wire fence obscured by ivy leaves, at the bottom being her name 'Zoe Bransgrove'.She then quickly raises her head up abruptly at 31 seconds as though surveying something, the camera placement capturing her intense gaze of curiosity, given the audience the impression that she is not an ordinary character and appears quite animalistic in her positioning which ties in with the ragged condition of her cloak. As quickly as she puts her head up changes to a quick jump shot of Zoe leaping from her position her cloak billowing out behind her as she makes her way across the grass ( 33 seconds roughly on estimation). As 35 seconds approaches she lands on her feet in a manner similar to what a cat may do, before pulling her hood over her head to mask her identity at 37 seconds pulling the cape over her body as well. She then crawls in the grass animalistically at 38 seconds as though she is searching for someone or something similar to the way in which the ring's villain does as well. At 41 seconds is the effect of video stabilizer which enables the footage to appear quite jolty contrasting against the previous still footage.
[After this at 45 seconds is a fade out and fade in to a centred shot of me cross legged in the grass clenching the grass in fear as I wonder what is to become of me. Again my hair is covering my face which suggests that I'm very private in maintaining my identity keeping my own individual thoughts and secrets to myself. The grass is wild and barbaric as well as the shot maintaining isolation and seclusion which suggests that I am deserted and should anything negative occur, there is no one there to help me.This shot lasts 10 seconds which shows a contrast between the other shots as it is slow instead of quick which resumes into a fade out]
[ At 1minute is another quick one second shot of Hannah looking at the canvas with a differential premonition where Zoe is in the foreground gazing out with me in the background cross legged in the grass, the clouds becoming darker as though it is about to rain. The other drawing has been thrown carelessly aside to show the quick transformation of her thoughts]
The ring villain's animalistic manner similar to Zoe's crouched position |
[ At 1minute and one seconds we see a behind shot of Zoe again which incorporates the use of wind , making her cape billow out behind her as though she is about to fly , again evoking a sense of barbarity and wild nature. As with the other frames there is a constant theme of her looking out for something which the audience may interpret as her looking for me, seeing as their is no other characters for her to be looking for. Although there is Hannah, we can clearly see that she has the most power in this film. Filmed using a handheld the camera is quite jolty again further implemented by the video stabilizer which makes it seem as though she is about to go offscreen( usually Zoe and me shots are juxtaposed to show a vivid contrast between the two characters through lack of dominance and extroverted dominance.Then at 1minute 5 seconds Zoe is searching frantically through the grass, throwing it into the air hurridly almost in a sense of panic, this shot lasting 1 second again another quick shot , her face undistinguishable under her hooded cloak- we angled it so you couldn't see her face. ]
[At 1 minute 7 seconds is a centered shot of me and Zoe in the frame where im breathing heavily in trepidation of the unknown as she clasps her cloak around me in a manner which is meant to wrongly look as though she is reassuring me though in actual fact is trying to make me feel scared before going into a foward zoom closeup into my face which expresses emotions of fear , my hair blowing in the wind.Then at 1 minute 8 seconds is a shot of zoe peering through a clump of grass in a slow angled manner which quickly transcends into her walking but you can only see her boots which are trimmed with fake fur adding to the animal stylism of her character before stomping on a bunch of gnarled twigs ferociously as though she is angry and frustrated.]
[ At 1 minute 17 seconds is an over the shoulder shot of me peering out curiously out from my hiding spot of a treet trunk. This shot effectively captures the look of a woodland with chaotic,wild leafy bushes also adding to the sense of isolation and deprivation, fading out into another tree shot where the camera is positioned in front of a brick wall next to the shrubbery , capturing the shock on my face comprehending the situtaion as I look behind me, look down and then turn around again to my original position before fading out and fading into the next composition.]
[This fades into a low angled shot of Zoe reaching out of the tree grasping her hands into a clenched fist with an expression of distaste and hunger which makes the audience feel scared epecially when it is juxtaposed against a pan around me looking extremely scared as I clench my knees together trying to convince myself that im just in a nightmare and not reality which transcends into a shot of me lookind me before quickly running away, the contrast darkening the further i get away. This is then followed by Zoe's feet walking which makes the audience think that she is coming after me]
[At 1 minute 42 seconds the movie title appeared ' Puppet strings using an inversion of text( white against a black background) with simplistic font so the attention is fully focused on lexis not stylism.]
[ A voiceover is used here at 1minute 54 seconds using mine and Zoe's voice combined so that it has more of an effect upon the audience, using a breathy whispering tone that it meant to induce fear from the audience as the font turns red which conforms to horror stylistic conventions. Then at 1minute 52 the music fades out]
- Im watching you
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