Own spin on the horror."
Before we showcased our film we explained a little of the narrative and the effect we were trying to convey, conversing our strengths and weaknesses of our project, to express to the audience the difficulties which we encountered which included the following :
- Problems with filming schedules due to illnesses
- Filming early but not going back to it straight after, which would of perhaps got us a higher mark
- The basics of editing and camera work we found especially hard as it was completely new to us, which meant we had to take risks and challenges which sometimes didn't pay off but shows that we can learn from our mistakes next year.
- We took alot of risks but should have been more organised and sufficient e.g. created a timetable to aid us in our task completion
- It was clearly noted that we as a group had developed an increasingly challenging narrative through the use of a hybrid genre; elements of a phycological thriller, fantasy and horror as we wanted to create something unique.The audience was said to be, "Throughly freaked out before lunch!" which effectively shows that our genre evoked the purpose which we aspired it to convey. A fundamental comment was the audiences realization of the black and white European horror film style which they felt ' Portrayed the narrative' as well as being something 'different'.
- The musical choice for the film was said to be very 'fitting with the genre', as well as being described as 'creepy' . Our original ideal was that of a nursery rhyme, beingg slowed down in the process to invoke the childish youth of my character primarily but secondarily the slow pace increases the audiences tension and engagement. For an added effect we lowered the pitch which subverts traditional movie horror soundtrack.
- The camera work was praised with the audience especially enjoying the use of juxtaposition between mine and Zoe's character, as it demonstrated the innocence of my character against the sinister persona of Zoe's. This was constructed with ( as the audience said) "Really Good Editing."
- The Voice over to express a combination of differential skills as well as coveying our narrative through the combination of synchronization through voices as well as the breathy pitch entailed which "Worked very well."
- Despite us wanting to provide a challenging interpretation of a hybrid genre I feel that the footage was quite basic in some areas particularly in shot variation, which would have conveyed our narrrative more effectively as we had a complicated storyline.
- This is the same for the editing techniques which should have been researched and experimented in full depth
- To include a proficient filming schedule for each of our participants which includes their functions within the group to maintain clarity.
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