Monday, 14 March 2011

Editing again: Miss Martin

In Monday's  lesson I was only here for half an hour due to an an appointment so we only fulfilled a few tasks. First of all me and Hannah compared the original footage to the footage that we edited the other day,ensuring that we pointed out what shots we had deducted and what we needed to re film to which the group had agreed in unison , which made our job of conviction very simplistic. The group suggested that Tuesday and Wednesday ( after school) would be ideal for filming as realistically we need to finish all our filming in order to edit the new footage which we have. However we decided that we would take a break Wednesday due to me being on an educational trip for another subject and a large majority of the shots are dominated by my character. Although Thursday I could do editing for 3 periods seeing as the first 3 lessons are free, this way we can speed up the process especially due to the announcement that we have less time then we initially thought- our deadline is now the 28th May.Now I'm really worried as to the state of our film especially as we have to re film so much of our piece and although we have still got 12 days left that is not alot seeing as it took so long in the first place. Also we want our film to look as professional as possible to avoid initially a bad grade and embarrassment as well . Next we checked the weather updates for the week to see the types of weather which were to take place and founded that on Tuesday unfortunately it is sunny with clouds subverting our previous frames which entailed the use of wind. So if there is no wind available on these days then this will be a violation of match on action. However on Thursday we found the following:    

min 1°C windchill -3°C
max 5°C windchill 1°C
Moderate winds from north
min 5°C windchill 1°C
max 13°C windchill 12°C
Light airs from north
Cloud veils
min 9°C windchill 6°C
max 13°C windchill 12°C
Light airs from northwest
Cloud veils
min 5°C windchill 1°C
max 10°C windchill 9°C
Moderate winds from west
So Thursday might be a quite good day to film but we all really liked the idea of having a day which initiated rain and clouds as it would give it a fresh new take on our film . Despite this idea the weather forecast says that their wont be any showers untill Friday 25th March and Saturday 26 March which realistically does not leave us enough time as on the Monday following our film has to be completed.

Friday 25th March
Showers or intermittent rain
min 5°C windchill 0°C
max 12°C windchill 9°C
Moderate winds from east
Saturday 26th March
Showers or intermittent rain
min 5°C windchill 1°C
max 11°C windchill 7°C
Moderate winds from south
In regards to this upcoming Friday me and Zoe have a free lesson last and I also have a free lesson 1st so this may be a good time to seize the oppurtunity of editing , whilst we still have the resources available and perhaps after school as well although im not sure as to whether this will take place.
Charley also had an excellent ideal which is extremly creative and abstract:
Zoe behind an old withered tree, scored with age (closeup of bark first to provide implicature) with Zoes nails ( painted with Black nail polish to give a sense of morbidity and her sinister, untrustworthy character) scratching down the tree ( caked with mud though not an excessive amount). Perhaps we can enhance the sound of her scraping the bark by either getting a clip of youtube and then converting it or make the sound ourselves and then play with the audio levels e.g. putting different levels on.
She also suggested that rather than use Waterfields or the 'meadows'  we could use the park by her house which has a small unruly field behind it conveying a sense of barbarity and disrepair.

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